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Showing posts from November, 2017

Sorrow of War Blog Assignment

*Reflection     The Sorrow of War, showed me that war dose not only affects you physically, mentally, and emotionally, but also affects your love ones. Kein lost everything because of this war. Stress can break you down and show you no sympathy to you or your life. When fighting in a war, your life is no longer yours, your life belongs to the war. Movies do not show the full effect of war. They show the action, the blood being spilled effortless, and soldiers' bodies falling left and right. War is fought mentally and physically and after the war is fought you are still fighting a war. You are fight fighting a emotional and mental war within yourself.   Review    The Sorrow of War, a novel about a Vietnamese soldier fighting against himself, his job, and his love ones. The Vietnam war effected him forever and the war was over but his war with himself will never be over. This novel is not only about war, but about the full affect of war. People still know little about this l

Sorrow of War Blog Assignment (Saturday & Sunday)

* Saturday (pg. 105-125)  "Go down into the yard with your hands up. No one will shoot you." (pg. 105) This quote is a man vs man conflict. After this Qanh was shot and killed after slinging a knapsack of grenades over his shoulder.  This quote could be related to police brutality, which is a common scenario in society. Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, and Alton Sterling were victims of police brutality.          2.  "The personalities, both alive and dead, breathed and spoke to the author in his special world where everyone he had known still lived and walked and smiled and ate and joked and dreamed and loved. (pg. 109) The theme of this quote is survivor's guilt and friendship. For Kein to overcome the lost of fellow soldiers and family and love ones he writes, and all the people that ever played a part in his life were alive and joyful.   This quote is a man vs self conflict. He is isolated from society within himself and write to communicate with the livi

Sorrow of War Blog Assignment (Thursday & Friday)

* Thursday (pg. 64-85)   "Every time she passed, walking nonchalantly, her long tresses swaying, she would exude a youthful charm that aroused the men. They would stiffen, stop what they were doing, and stare after her with feverish, blatant desire." (pg. 64) This quote relates to the theme prostitution. Prostitution was known in Vietnam, and they felt felt that women were there for their desire. This scene in this quote is happening today in society to women. Men staring at women with a blatant desire, as if women were a piece of meat and not a person.      2.   "The girls around there hated her, calling her a bitch,a whore, or a witch because of her innocent influence, of which she remained either unconcerned or completely ignorant." (pg. 64) This quote is a man vs man conflict. It show how others treat Hanh and how they verbally bully her because she was different. Bullying is a known problem in society and some people are bullied everyday just