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Sorrow of War Blog Assignment (Saturday & Sunday)

* Saturday (pg. 105-125)

  1.  "Go down into the yard with your hands up. No one will shoot you." (pg. 105)
  • This quote is a man vs man conflict. After this Qanh was shot and killed after slinging a knapsack of grenades over his shoulder. 
  • This quote could be related to police brutality, which is a common scenario in society. Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, and Alton Sterling were victims of police brutality.    
     2.  "The personalities, both alive and dead, breathed and spoke to the author in his special world where everyone he had known still lived and walked and smiled and ate and joked and dreamed and loved. (pg. 109)
  • The theme of this quote is survivor's guilt and friendship. For Kein to overcome the lost of fellow soldiers and family and love ones he writes, and all the people that ever played a part in his life were alive and joyful.  
  • This quote is a man vs self conflict. He is isolated from society within himself and write to communicate with the living and dead. He is in denial but is also accept the reality. 

Sunday (pg. 126-146)

  1.  "His father died in his childhood, His mother left him all alone. Like a plant's, his growth is good. In times of war he's on his own. So the boy creates his very own man, Not mourning the fate of a lonely orphan." (pg. 127)
  • This quote theme is abandonment and loneliness. Everybody who you think would love him and be there for him left him alone to raise and love himself.
  • This quote characterize Kein. His family left him but he did not let that stop him . He did not give up he played the cards he was dealt and succeeded, he became smarter, stronger, and independent despite everything that happened.
     2. "Every image, every trace of his father had been wiped away, replaced by a nothingness. His father had quit the world, gone in a sleepwalker's dream, taking with him forever the deathly yellow paintings." (pg. 108)
  • This quote theme is abandonment. His father abandoned him with nothing, no memories, no paintings, nothing.
  • People grow up not knowing who or anything about their father. Some people grew up without a father figure and this moved them and motivated them to stay strong and succeed some fall to the waist side use that as an excuse.


  1. Great job! Remember, you needed to do this for Thursday and Friday assignments as well. Overall, good job.


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