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Origins to Scott Lawrence

M. Lawrence was by birth an American. During his creation, the lands surrounding the hidden, desolate shack he was born in became a tone quieter than before. The world knew that another monster was born. Twas likewise when the monster's son was born decades later. These monsters, father and son, reeked havoc upon the lands, creating for themselves a reputation of desolation and a path of souls and desperation. In a thirst for more destruction the father, P. Lawrence, had an idea that would affect not only the lives of the people, but also of his own.
       The two Lawrence men raided villages and ripped, tore, and slaughtered their way to finding the best limbs and pieces possible. Through these means, a son was born.

       The son, Scott Lawrence, was exactly what he was not supposed to be. He healed instead of killed, gave instead of stole, and brought life where his father and grandfather took it away. Therefore he was cast out of his family's graces.

       In anger and hurt, he stepped into his fathers' shoes and began his own coping of destruction and blame. He was becoming what his father wanted until he stopped. His eyes beheld something he had never witnessed in the lands of his crooked family. A garden of delicacy and vulnerability with a girl tending to each one.

          “Why do you water that ugly plant?" Scott had asked in a tone of bitter resentment. He found himself relating to the ugly plant with its rotten color and lumpy leaves.
       "Because," she responded, meeting his eyes (not his ugly appearance) and seeing him for who he truly was. "It's still a plant and deserves to grow as all the others. An appearance is just the gates to a beautiful garden."


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