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Showing posts from January, 2019

Reflection/Day 7/ Literary 3x3

Reflection  Today’s reading changed my perception of Suge Avery. Throughout the the novel Celie idolized Suge Avery, but Celie’s first encounter with Suge did not go as expected. Suge Avery is blunt, care free, and empowering. I also finally saw a connection between Celie and Mr__ over Suge Avery, someone who they both cared about. This showed readers how people can come together and work together despite the past. The reading also taught me that not all “good people” are good people. The church belittled Suge but the church is a place of imperfect people.  Day 7 Today was senior portrait day and I was so excited. I can’t believe that I am graduating high school, this was only a dream at one point in life and I am excited to see where my life goes after May. Also I will NEVER eat Burger King’s breakfast. It was worst than the cafeteria food from my freshman year! I had the ultimate platter and regret every dime I spent on that slop they called food. But I got my haircut an

Reflection/ Day 6

Reflection Today’s reading was quite interesting and entertaining. I never seen the color purple but as we read the letters I grew a connected to Celie. But the story has reached a turning point once we were introduced to Harpo and Sofia. Harpo is a man who has no mind of his own and base his decisions off the intel of others. Sofia is strong minded and gave the story the backbone to justice and fighting back against abuse and other treacherous acts. Day 6 Today felt strange and uncomfortable. All day I felt a lingering feel of bad energy and couldn’t understand why. I watched my surroundings as the day continues and the cold presents was stil there. I started to get worried but I calmed down so I can prepare for Mr. Rease class. We’re reading the color purple and it is putting me on my toes! I enjoy the movie scene but the book gives me the real connection to the story behind all of them. But enough with class, I found out that I received an offer to Jacksonville State Univer

Day 4

Today was quite irritating. My girlfriend does some of the most irritating things in the world but I will always love her through thick and thin. But my job really irritated me, they scheduled me for only TWO DAYS! I really need to find another job, a job that’s going to give me they pay and hours I deserve. Also my headlight went out today and I just bought them for $70 but I figured out my problem a loose plug but I really thought my bulb blew. I was saying some informal words to myself but I fixed the problem. Also this is day 2 of the Amazon rant and it will continue until my money is refunded. But besides that we finally met Harpo in the book and I  really enjoying the color purple and I am going to watch the movie once we finish the novel. I can’t wait for the story to unravel.

My weekend/Daily Journal

My weekend has been quite crazy. I ordered a new wave brush off of amazon but I ordered the wrong brush so I had to call amazon to canceled my order. But that took a major turn due to me using a debit  card my money went through. That was unexpected because I cancelled the The order 3 minutes after seeing I made the wrong order. I went on rant after being told it will take 3-5 business days or maybe even 10 to refund my money. But after a 1 hour of ranting my mother gave me $40! So I didn’t have to claim fraud and sue amazon.

Color Purple/Day2

After today’s reading I have realized that some people are horrible people. Fonso treated Celie as if she was an animal and not a human, as if she was not his his first born daughter. It also showed the trials and tribulations that one experience back then and how women had no voice. It also taught me that some people will risk themselves for the sake of others. Day 2: Today started off horrible, I woke up with a migraine for the 4th day in a row. I wasn’t going to go to school today but I had to, can’t be missing Mr. Rease class because I can’t fall behind, too late in the year to slip. I really missed ty, I didn’t see her all day and I didn’t get sleepy in Mr. Rease class today.  I’ need to get my act together before college.

Color Purple/Day 1

After reading letters 1-7 I have realized the evil within humanity. Celie was humiliated and sexually assault by her father, a man who is supposed to be a protector and provider took her innocence. Celie lost her mother and doesn’t have a father. This touched me as a reader because rape is a serious act and women all across the world have experience rape and do not say anything because of fear. Day 1: Today was quite interesting. Mr. Rease came back and class was quite interesting and I am really feeling this book! But I am excited to see where this book will take me. Titeana on my mind all day and she make me happy and she needs to be in class more.

Vocabulary Paragraph

1. Enjambmemt: the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza. 2. Obsolete: No longer produced or used; out of date. 3. Incongruous: not in harmony 4. Anaphora: the repetition of a word or phrase 5. Lament: a passionate expression of grief of sorrow 6. Drouth: Drought 7. Dearth: a lack of something 8. Attainment: the action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked 9. Superficiality: lack of thoroughness, depth of character, or serious thought 10. Fleeting: lasting a very short time In society church services can vary from 2-4 hours. Funerals have a lamemt presents and when in sorrow people would a feel of dearth. Some funerals would revolve around the attainment of their life but some funerals could experience a fleeting service. Any church services may experience the incongruous of the people listening to the word of God. Some cannot connect to the word because praying is just an anaphora, a repetition of a phrase.


After  reading  chapters 1-24 and completing this assignment I have realized that not all people and things are giving equal stability. Each one my classmates’ monster killed amd seeker revenge and the image of a monster is pure evil but evil is a act against good and is not born with the evil doers, but is bred into the mind of those who seek evil and rebel again good faith.

Poem to Scott Lawrence

It’s ok to not live up to your family’s legacy If you were to do that you may have a lot of difficulties Whatever you feel is best for you Do that to show the real you I know you’re struggling to be something you’re not But dreams aren’t suppose to be stagnant Believe what feel and feel what you believe Dreams are like manners, they deserve better treatment

Origins to Scott Lawrence

M. Lawrence was by birth an American. During his creation, the lands surrounding the hidden, desolate shack he was born in became a tone quieter than before. The world knew that another monster was born. Twas likewise when the monster's son was born decades later. These monsters, father and son, reeked havoc upon the lands, creating for themselves a reputation of desolation and a path of souls and desperation. In a thirst for more destruction the father, P. Lawrence, had an idea that would affect not only the lives of the people, but also of his own.        The two Lawrence men raided villages and ripped, tore, and slaughtered their way to finding the best limbs and pieces possible. Through these means, a son was born.        The son, Scott Lawrence, was exactly what he was  not  supposed to be. He healed instead of killed, gave instead of stole, and brought life where his father and grandfather took it away. Therefore he was cast out of his family's graces.    

The poem about Scott Lawrence

Good and Evil With no Soul A legacy of savagery A legacy of evil A legacy of murder But evil is not born A creature lost  Between real and unreal A creature lost in between good and evil A creature made with no soul  Mixing the creature in a militias bowl All can be good or evil with no soul