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Showing posts from February, 2019

Reflection/Day 16

When Mr.Rease asked me what am I going to do different on this year AP exam, I was speechless, because I don’t know what to do. Yeah I can get more sleep and focus harder but big test aren’t my thing I try and try and it just seems like I’m not progressing. Making a high score on a big exam like that that is a pivotal moment in my life. I really want to show Mr. Rease that he is great teacher and that he produce the best of the best.

Day 15

Today was an okay day until band practice where reality hit me. Today was my last high school marching band practice. It seem just like yesterday it was my freshman year after homecoming week, i joined the band not knowing what to do, now I’m one the best chest tenors in the city!. I’m really going to miss this high school experience and the friendships and family bond I grew through band and I’m going out with a bang!

Day 14

Today was my auntie’s funeral and man death can’t give my family a break. Two only aunts past away in the same MONTH! Today I learned that family is dangerous and some people will only say they love and miss you during death. Death causes the bitter sweetness of the heart and mind. Today has been rough and that’s all for today blog.

Day 13

Today is a day to celebrate and honor! I officially signed to Jacksonville State University amd cannot wait for fall. It took 5 hours to get there from Mobile but I feel it was worth it and the campus was beautiful and I fell in love with the robotics class and recreation center. I will be the first to go to a 4 year university and I am proud of myself. But this is not the end to tho journey of William Blake.

Day 12

Today had to be one of these days of my life! I did horrible at the rifle competition and placed 8th, I am suppose to be the team captain but couldn’t hit my shots and this bummed me out but I was really baffled once’s I got back to school. I learned that people will leave you in the dark and won’t second guess it, but in life you can’t depend on others because eventually the true colors of those people will come to light.

Day 10 & Day 11

Day 10 Today I had to go to the Doctors office and found out I’m very sick and I need rest. At first  my doctor told me to stay home but I knew I couldn’t miss Mr. Rease so I came to school despite how I felt. I have to take these last couple of months just as serious as my first day of high school . I felt my body leave my body. I felt like my  Day 11 Today has been hard, due to me being on medication I tends to get really tired and sleepy so. I as to stop going to school so I go to stay on top of my work and Not to allowed otherwise. I have to take 3 pills everyday for about the next moth amd it’s complete torture, I hate the feeling of a being sick and can not wait for my follow up and hopefully I’m ok! 

Day 9

Today has been horrible! I have a sinus infection and I really want to chop my head off and never wake up. My throat nasal cavities and esophagus are in pain and words couldn’t describe the feeling of this madness. But on the other hand I’m proud of myself because I went to the gym 3 consecutive days and have stuck my diet and really doing what I have to do to lose weight. I attend planet fitness and it amazing, there’s so much to do you’ll sweat looking at the equipment! Also my holographic durags came in today. I was excited and I already put one on, I’m ready to lay my waves down and look good for the ladies... I mean Titeana.!

Day 8

Day 8 I signed up for my gym membership and I’m on a journey to get fit before I graduate but I found an unexpected gift yesterday. Somebody hit my car and now I have a dent in my car and I really want to find out who did it but I know I cant but I’m really excited for graduation and ready to see what life has in store for me and my future.

Letter to God by Reverend Mr__